USA Board

Biosketch of Board Members of FPF USA

Amb. Dr. Adonia Ayebare

Board Chair
Amb. Dr. Adonia Ayebare
Board Chair

Amb. Dr. Ayebare is a Ugandan journalist and diplomat who currently serves as Uganda's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, effective March 2017. Before that, from January 2013, until March 2017, he served as the Senior Adviser on Peace and Security at the African Union's Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations in New York City and as Head of Mission with rank of Ambassador in Rwanda and Burundi. As a journalist, he covered major events in the East and Central Africa region for major media houses in the region.

Online Profile:

Ms. Henrietta Nairuba Wamala Ssenabulya

Vice Chair
Ms. Henrietta Nairuba Wamala Ssenabulya
Vice Chair

Ms. Wamala is currently serving as the President, Ugandan North American Association (UNAA). She works as a Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) with EEHealth. Previously she served UNAA as Executive Secretary.

Online Profile:

Associate Professor Robert Tamukong; BSc, MSc, Pharm.D, PHD

Associate Professor Robert Tamukong; BSc, MSc, Pharm.D, PHD

Professor Tamukong is Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy practice and Chair of postgraduate research and training in the department of pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda, where he engages in teaching, research, supervision & examination of students, curriculum development, clinical practice, community engagement, administration, leadership, mentorship and consultancy in healthcare and academia. He also serves as program coordinator of the first ever Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy program in Uganda, which he conceived in 2017 and accredited by the Uganda National Council of Higher Education in 2018.

Prof Tamukong holds a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) degree obtained from the University of Minnesota, in the USA, as well as a PhD. His teaching, research and practice interests are in the areas of pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy/pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacotherapy, therapeutics, & pharmaceutical sciences, veterinary pharmacy, curriculum planning, design, and implementation, pedagogy for healthcare professionals, pharmacovigilance & drug safety, antimicrobial stewardship, nutrition support for critical care patients, nosocomial-acquired infections, and other areas.

Prior to coming too Uganda, Professor Tamukong served as a clinical pharmacy specialist at the University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis in the USA, with teaching, research and practice areas in emergency and critical care, internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, oncology, obstetrics & gynecology, and psychiatry.

During his time at MUST, Professor Tamukong has been able to lead the curriculum development and implementation of the first ever Masters of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy degree program in Uganda. He has provided mentorship and guidance to students and teaching staff, as well as rendered Clinical Pharmacy Services to patients at the Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.

Professor Tamukong is a highly motivated Academic, with passionate, considerable and extensive experience in teaching, clinical practice, and research. He has authored several peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and poster presentations, including delivering numerous invited lectures, workshops and professional presentations, both nationally and globally. He has also completed several masters & PhD graduates and many sponsored projects including various bilateral projects. He has a track record of working with various international institutions in universities across the world. He is Board Certified, and licensed to practice in the states of Minnesota and Ohio in the USA. His research interests are centered on outcomes of critically ill patients related to drug therapy, specifically in the areas of pain, agitation and delirium, nosocomial-acquired infections, and antimicrobial stewardship. Outside of work, his hobbies include cooking, reading, hiking, golfing, travelling and the outdoors.

Mobile/WhatsApp: +256-773-225785

Dr. Casim Umba Tolo

Founding Board Member
Dr. Casim Umba Tolo
Founding Board Member

Dr. Casim Umba Tolo is the Director of Pharm-Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Center (PHARMBIOTRAC), under the Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence (ACE II) at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda. He has wide research experience and published articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters in the areas ranging from Conservation Biology, Ecology, Environment, Natural Resources Management, Green Enterprises for Rural Development and Livelihoods, Climate Change Adaptation and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. His responsibilities among others include; curriculum development, facilitating professional trainings, supervision of masters and PhD students, commissioned research/consultancy and conducting community outreach.

Dr. Tolo gained broad experience through undertaking a number of collaborative research and consultancy work (e.g. Lake Victoria Research Initiative, VicRes a SIDA-SAREC Program for East African Region) with regional and international colleagues in the areas ranging from Climate Change Adaptation and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Sustainable Agriculture, Climate Change Risks to Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Biodiversity Conservation Strategies in a Changing Climate, Primate Ecology and Conservation, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Human-Environment Interactions, Conservation and Management of Biological Resources, Solid Waste Disposal and management. For example, he consulted with Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)/International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), The Uganda National Commission for UNESCO (UNATCOM), The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) and SNV-Netherlands Development Organisation. Dr. Tolo is a seasoned expert in project proposal development and project management. He has a vast experience in successfully managing multi-millions donor grants with excellent results. Currently he is the local promoter of the Uganda component of “Action Towards Reducing Aquatic snail-borne Parasitic diseases (ATRAP located in Western Uganda. ATRAP is a joint initiative between MUST, Uganda and the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), Tervuren, Belgium.

Dr. Tolo is serving/served on various boards and committees, among others: The National Committee of the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme, Uganda National Commission for UNESCO, Kampala-Uganda, The Board of Trustees of THETA-Uganda as a Chair Programmes and Research Committee, Director of Education and Environment of Anzoa Humanitarian Foundation Ltd, Adjumani, Uganda, Steering Committee on “Developing Herbal Alternatives to the Chemical Drugs used in the Dairy Sector, mainly with respect to tick control, but also animal diseases such as mastitis” of the SNV-Netherlands Development Organisation, under The Inclusive Dairy Enterprise (TIDE) Project.

Further details of publications on ORCID:

Contact Information:
Telephone: +256-772-837055
Skype: casim.tolo

Eng. Anke Weisheit

Founding Board Member
Eng. Anke Weisheit
Founding Board Member

Anke Weisheit is an Agricultural Engineer and holds a Master degree in Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS) with more than 20 years of experience in tropical agriculture, value chain development, and agri-business in Eastern and Southern Africa. She is the lead innovator and co-founder and currently, serving as the Chair of Innovation and Business Management of the Pharm-Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Centre (PHARMBIOTRAC) at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. Anke is co-founder and serving on the board of the Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC Foundation (FPF). She has vast experience in innovation incubation, business mentoring, product development and is conducting project and proposal evaluations, strategic planning, feasibility studies, and organization development. Anke is also an External Expert to the European Commission Horizon 2020, a Member of the Governing Council of the Sub-Saharan Open University (SSOU), and serving on the WHO Regional Expert Advisory Committee on Traditional Medicine for COVID-19 Response (REACT). Anke had previously lead teams for evaluations, need assessments and feasibility studies. Previously, she served on the Board of Trustees of THETA Uganda as the Chairperson of Programs and Research Committee, and the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) board as a founding team member. She has researched and consulted for the United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, World Health Organization, World Agroforestry Centre, and German Agency for International Cooperation among others.

Telephone: +256-772-788096
Skype: ankweis

Dr. Ronda Marie Chakolis

Board Member
Dr. Ronda Marie Chakolis
Board Member

Dr. Ronda Chakolis, the Owner of RM Chakolis LLC, graduated in 2009 from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Twin Cities campus. In 2020, she received her master’s degree in public health from American Public University. Dr. Chakolis has more than 12 years of Pharmacy Benefit Management experience and over 5 years of experience as a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) pharmacist. She also serves as a part-time staff pharmacist at CVS Health. Dr. Chakolis is involved in several community services projects that address health disparities, including infant mortality and opioid abuse. In addition to her advocacy work, she also serves as a pharmacist member on the Minnesota Department of Human Services Drug Formulary Committee since 2022.

Mr. Charles Ssekwe Lugemwa

Board Member
Mr. Charles Ssekwe Lugemwa
Board Member

Charles is a 2003 graduate of software engineering of the University of St. Thomas, St Paul Minnesota, USA. He recently took an early retirement from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) where he served as the Manager Business Intelligence and analytics. He is a social entrepreneur and received the 2016 humanitarian year award of the University of St Thomas, St Paul Minnesota USA and a 2023 social entrepreneurship award of the Friends of East Africa Foundation, St Paul Minnesota.

Currently, he is the Chairperson of the board and Country Directors of Hope Medical Clinics Uganda, a not-for-profit organization that owns and Operates Gary Holmes Hospital Maganjo and Gary Holmes Pharmacy Uganda Limited. He additionally serves as the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Friends of East Africa Foundation based in St Paul Minnesota USA, he additional serves on the Board of St Savio Junior school, Kisubi. He has previously served as the Chaiman URA SACCO Limited, Vice Chairperson board of governors of St. Kizito Minor seminary, Nandere, Luwero Diocese;
His life and personality have been shaped by the challenges he has faced and has drawn life experiences to develop and enhance his social entrepreneurship goals of creating a better world for all. Charles derives his livelihood from the short-term consultancies he conducts with the International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, USA.

Online Profile:

Mr. Funwi Vitalis Tita

Foundation Secretary
Mr. Funwi Vitalis Tita
Foundation Secretary

Hailed from Cameroon, he has a bachelor's degree in Economics and a Masters in Healthcare Services Administration and serving as Development and Community Outreach Director at Central Minnesota Habitat For Humanity. He founded and runs a nonprofit organization called Making a Difference International Inc. that helps children go to school in Africa, provide assistance to orphans and transitional housing to children abused, neglected, and abandoned. He is also an entrepreneur at heart and currently runs businesses in Uganda to try and create employment as well as spur business creation amongst the youths. He and his wife started a produce business that grow vegetables that are consumed by people from Africa here in the United States. He runs a a farm business Better Greens LLC which produces African green vegetables in Minnisota.

Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC Foundation - FPF

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