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On 15th May 2024, Pharm-Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Centre (PHARMBIOTRAC) and its
sustainability arm, Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC Foundation (FPF) in Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) held the first ever Scholarship Information session under the theme “Studying for
free on Full Scholarship.” This session was open to all final year students and early career staff of MUST.
The highly interactive session hosted at the Pharmacology Lecture Theatre located at MUST -Town Campus brought together a diverse staff, MUST alumni and students.

40 MUST staff and 300 postgraduate and undergraduate students in their final year attended.

The session was officially opened and graced by MUST Academic registrar, Dr. Martha Kyoshaba Twinamatsiko and in her opening remarks, she commended PHARMBIOTRAC and FPF leadership for organizing the Scholarship Information Session. She was so mesmerized to see students and staff turn
up in large numbers for that wonderful event. She encouraged the PHARMBIOTRAC team to continue with the good spirit of organizing such rare innovations in MUST so that the University continues in its
path of success which is a must at MUST.

She expressed gratitude to Prof. Robert Tamukong for his enthusiastic and golden heart to serve the academic niche voluntarily which has sown a spirit of voluntarism in MUST, Uganda and the world at large.

At the end of the session the attendees were guided on how to search, apply and meet the required qualities for one to attain a full free scholarship abroad.

The Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC Foundation cordially invites final Year students and early career staff of Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) to attend a career guidance session covering topics such as life after campus, career growth and development, with main focus on scholarship opportunities, fields of specialization and many more.

This session’s theme is “Studying Abroad for Free on Full Scholarship.”

The Scholarship Information Session is organized and supported by Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), the Pharm-Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Center (PHARMBIOTRAC), and the Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC (FPF).

The event will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. in the Pharmacology Lecture Theatre (PLT), Town Campus, MUST.

Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), in collaboration with the Pharm-Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Center (PHARMBIOTRAC) and the Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC (FPF), will be hosting a Scholarship Information Session on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.

The session, titled “Studying Abroad for Free on Full Scholarship,” will be held at the Pharmacology Lecture Theatre (PLT), Town Campus, MUST. This event is open to all final year students and early career personnel at MUST.

To plan ahead, please fill out the form provided at before 13th May, 2024.

NOTE: A shuttle service will be available at 3 p.m. to transport students and staff between Kihumuro Campus and the venue.

We are excited to announce that PHARMBIOTRAC has been prominently featured in the latest special edition of Influence Magazine, one of Florida’s top periodicals, published by David J. Dunworth. This magazine emphasizes our steadfast dedication to our mission and highlights our key accomplishments and projects.

The magazine illuminates the PHARMBIOTRAC’s history, mission, vision, goals, objectives, and thematic areas of focus. It celebrates our successes, including research, impactful product development, and the White Coat Ceremony, which symbolizes students’ entry into Clinical Health and Sciences brought by PHARMBIOTRAC to Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Beyond research and academics, the publication highlights PHARMBIOTRAC’s community outreach programs, which include herbalist training and medical camps in Uganda’s remote rural regions.

It also highlights the center’s incubation activities as well as products developed through internal and external innovation. Notably, Professor Patrick Engeu Ogwang’s pioneering work on COVIDEX, a treatment for COVID-19, receives special recognition for its significant contribution to global health efforts..

Additionally, the magazine acknowledges the remarkable achievements of PHARMBIOTRAC’s director, Dr. Casim Tolo Umba, including his collaborations and research endeavors, as well as his exceptional expertise in managing multi-million-dollar donor grants with outstanding results.

Friends of PHARMBIOTRAC Foundation - FPF

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